I stumbled across this article online about a Man wanting his Engagement Ring back and I thought, I should write about it! Although, I am not engaged, I can only imagine how much painful it is for both. I see these situations happening in movies, & even in real life. Sometimes when the dispute cannot be solve, both parties go to court to resolve the issue and will let the judge decide who gets to keep the ring. here is a great example, an article I read this morning:
"Judge Rules Woman Must Return Engagement Ring!"

We've seen this before. Man gives woman diamond engagement ring. Man and woman fight. Man calls off engagement. Man asks for engagement ring back.
In these cases, which have been more and more frequent about the Superior Court system in the past few years, who gets to keep the engagement ring? The judge has again ruled in favor of the man.
Click for the rest of the Article
People when they are in love, they get engaged hoping everything will work out. Then things get complicated, they start to fight and before we know it the engagement is off. Often times the girl get to keep the ring, but there are situations that the guy wants to take it back specially if he paid for it. Situations like this cannot be avoided, If it works out, Good, if not, just let go and move on. There are better things to look forward in life.
Have a great Wednesday!
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Debbie P.
My Life is beautiful
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